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I came, I saw, I carnivaled

I remember last year was a particularly tough February for this community with tons of snow, plenty of hard news, and no end in sight to winter. Sitting around the Administrative table we all agreed that next year we were going to try to do something fun to change up the February doldrums. We knew that our 225th anniversary year was upon us, and that many of our alumni spoke fondly of winter carnival in years gone by. However, reinventing this tradition required collaboration and planning. Today I have donned my hiking boots, brought my bike helmet to school, and even signed my ice waiver. I am preparing for “opening ceremonies” and waiting for chaos to be upon this campus in just a few hours. Today will be a day when our kids are encouraged to be kids. It will also be a PK-12 day, when we are all enveloped by the Berwick umbrella and our spirit of community.
There are just too many people to thank for making this all happen. An outdoor rink has been constructed, fire pits procured, and even an Olympics planned. Our Upper School students have decorated Fogg in the spirit of Greek and Roman mythology and broomball teams have coalesced across campus. But for my money, there is one mythic hero of this day who deserves recognition above all others.

For whatever reason, Senior Lilly Hedges decided that Winter Carnival was going to be a success. The amount of time she has spent creating videos, planning events, promoting things in assembly is astounding. She clearly has a future in event planning. More to the point, she has a future in leadership. One thing I love about working in schools is that kids surprise us. They do unexpected things that reveal growth, confidence, and talent. It can be a particular moment in an athletic contest, a victory in a robotics competition, or a performance that leaves us speechless. And Lilly has done that for me in recent weeks by choosing to take a massive project on her shoulders for no other reason than she wants people to have a good time and she loves this school. I hope that she will receive her payback today for all of this amazing work.

So sharpen your skates, get on those snow pants, and bring on the marshmallows. Let the games of the 225th year of Berwick Academy begin.


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