It was only a few years ago when the Administrative team concluded that our students needed a bit of a morale boost to get us through the winter. Within just a few conversations with other adults on campus, the concept of our modern winter carnival was born – bringing back a cherished Berwick tradition from years gone by. Suddenly outdoor rinks, snow sculptures, and sled races become all the rage for one Friday in February as our community comes together to celebrate to joys of winter and the joys of being a kid. This is a very good thing – even on the heels of far too many snow issues in one academic week.

As I sit at my computer watching the final few inches of about a foot of snow coming down up in the Fogg parking lot, I know that the outdoor environment will likely be a bit rugged this year. Perhaps there will need to be a few more indoor breaks than usual. Yet I can’t imagine there can be much that will slow this juggernaut down. Winter Carnival is a time to pause and remember what its like to make a snow angel, play broomball, or even how to laugh during the heart and soul of the academic year at Berwick Academy. So brush off those snow pants, Berwick –Winter Carnival is here.
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