It is amazing to acknowledge that this will be my final Friday blog of the 2015-2016 school year. It is time for me to spend some time coming up with new material for the fall – I am quite sure the audience needs more of a break than I do. Earlier yesterday I participated once again in Young Author’s Day, watching as we pushed Lower School students out of their comfort zone to present their work in a public way. Simultaneously the push is on in the rest of the school to motor through exams and final assessments. There are final athletic and musical events, and awards ceremonies abound; there seems to be an infinite amount of activity on this campus right now. It is the time of year when schools want to see tangible evidence of progress as a validation of our collective work to date. Sometimes that evidence is a bit more qualitative than quantitative in nature. Earlier this week, I was deeply touched by the number of parents who have approached me to indicate just how proud they ar...