There are
many reasons it is essential to get our teachers off campus to conferences or
to visit other schools. It is only by leaving our own environment that we can
truly see what the possibilities might be. By exploring schools with different
missions and approaches, we are able to use judgment to determine what might
work best for Berwick students. As part of its Long Range Plan, the Board of
Trustees has systemically been increasing our professional development budget
to make sure that our teachers have the resources to push themselves in new ways
- in the spirit of continued innovation.
More and
more, as our teachers are becoming more connected and collaborative, we see
them sharing what they have learned through lunches, meetings, and other
methods. When a colleague is energized, departments and divisions feed off of
that energy, and we share this learning in a collaborative way. Getting off
campus also allows our teachers to meet new peers and create connections that combat feelings of isolation or
frustration. I can speak from experience that it is invaluable to have
colleagues who can offer objective advice that are not connected to the people
and culture of my particular school.
one faculty journey off the Hilltop reminded me of the critical validation we also receive when our direction is
affirmed through professional development. One of our teachers recently
returned to say this about the state of our Lower School program:
After I was able to process the full
scope of the weekend, I felt reassured that we are all doing good work in the
Lower School. Ideas such as Social Emotional Learning, mindfulness, character
building, meditation, and the importance of non-cognitive skills and growth
mindsets were the emphasis of the conference. I truly believe that…in
these areas and with a faculty that is willing to dedicate themselves to these
beliefs, our Lower School is "ahead of the curve" and modeling these
ideals very well…As we approach the end of the first trimester, I felt it was
timely to highlight this information and remind everyone that we are making a difference and
to feel positive about the hard work that we all do.
I share this example as a reminder as we all begin thinking
about annual fund gifts, contributions to BPC efforts, and other Berwick
initiatives – it is easy to be captivated as donors by physical things that our
kids will use and enjoy. We should also remember that by investing in our
teachers – their growth, their confidence, and their morale – we actually make
the biggest impact upon Berwick students. And as all of you head away from the
Hilltop for a Thanksgiving break, I hope you return with a new conviction that
this faculty and this program is continuing to grow and evolve into an
experience that will be transformational for your child.
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