For years now I have championed our April recital week as one of the hidden gems of Berwick Academy. Whether in the theater or in the “smoldering ruins” of Chip Harding’s classroom, all of our students who participate in music lessons on campus are asked to put themselves out there and publicly display what they have learned. I have been through it enough times now, over a decade, to know that the quality of these events will always impress me. What never gets old, however, is seeing an unexpected student – someone pegged as an athlete, or someone who just took a trip to the Honor Committee, or even someone who is perceived to be introverted – find themselves out on these stages taking a risk. I work as hard as I can to keep boundaries in place between my role as a father and my role as a Head of School. My kids have opinions, they have strengths, and they certainly have flaws. But this week I had one of my true dreams come true, and I have to thank Berwick Academy for making it p...