As my career steam rolls on, I am amazed at how frequently my job forces me to confront the gap between intent and impact. Certainly as adults, we have all heard some version of this as it relates to issues like harassment in the work place. Probably even more so, we have all experienced having a joke misunderstood, a comment taken out of context, or an email’s tone come back to haunt us. As Head of School, I confront this gap not only in the world of human resources with well over 100 employees, but also in terms of student discipline. How much does it matter whether or not the student intended to cheat? Does it matter that a student did not intend for their comment to be racially offensive? Are we responding to the behavior or the intention? Far more compelling that any of this complexity is my emerging realization of this gap for me as a leader. Sitting in my pristine perch in Burleigh Davidson, surely I know that I operate with the best of intentions, right? Whether it is c...